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Generation Girl in Dubai

Settling into a new city, culture or just new work place can be daunting however it’s also a time for re invention and stepping out your comfort zone, and normally when this happens something good is just around the corner.


I thought it may be useful for girls, women or men in this similar position who are a little bit fearful of taking the plunge into the unknown some useful tips I have learnt along the way since moving to a different city and starting at yet again a new job. 





The art of planning should be taught in schools! As much as there were details I definitely should of planned more (like what areas were good to move too) I started planning, researching and applying for jobs 4-5 months in advance prior to moving as this was a necessity for me. I was moving to kick start a new career post University. Really think what are your intentions to move and delve deeper into why this will improve your life. This is the same when people are looking for a new job, LinkedIn should become your best friend as well as social media that can be a quicker more efficient way of looking for employers that hiring right now.


There is also no harm in being old fashioned (kinda) and just googling companies you like the sound/feel of and calling/emailing the people at the top. 






You are about to do something new and scary! Read and learn from others who have done the same before you! 


I am talking blog posts, social media, books and local magazines! We can access so much content online these days and this can be SO useful ahead of a big change in life for vital information about the city, country, company you are embarking on.


However, when you’ve worked an 8-hour day (plus all the other shit you have to do on a daily basis) sometimes you just want to kick back and have an easy read. On these kind of night’s two books that really helped me get excited about the big change coming my way were:


  1. #GIRLBOSS written by Sophia Amoruso

Purchased here: Amazon


I also recommend watching the Netflix series for a full throttle of Girl Boss’ness. Within the book Sophia also recommends some other great reads for all areas it takes to succeed from business to finance to self-belief.


2. The Discomfort Zone: How to Get What You Want by Living Fearlessly

written by Farrah Storr

Purchased here: Amazon


This is a much newer title written by UK Cosmopolitan editor Farrah Storr, the book is an insight to Farrah’s amazing career as well as other interviews and stories from successors from all industries.


Farrah embodies a strong message of believing that not living the most conventional way in what society believes can lead to amazing things. Very GG.




What you’re doing is AMAZZZZZZING and the right choice for you!


You won’t and don’t have to have it all figured out overnight, it may not work out but at least you tried! 


You may think you’ve made the biggest mistake of your life and miss your mum and want a cup of tea and hug from your dog but the days go by and before you know it you’re going back home to visit!


Life is for living for you and only you. No one else is going to create your happiness. 


Ps. The world is HUGE place, see as much of It as you can!


Pps. Always have a plan A, B, C and if you’re a control freak like me D.


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